
National Chinese Primary School Online Assessment
– Open for Registration

作为全国规模最大,最受欢迎的线上学术诊断平台之一,Score 100 将于2021年9月25日和26日(星期六和星期日)迎来第二年度的全国华小全科线上测评挑战赛


欢迎全国50万华小生 (一至六年级)踊跃参与。还未报名的同学,赶快咯!

As one of the largest and most popular online academic diagnostic platforms, Score100 is delighted to announce that our 2nd year National Chinese Primary School Online Assessment to be held on 25th and 26th September 2021 (Sat & Sun) is now open for registration. With school students start returning to schools in stages beginning October, our focus this time will emphasize on helping students understand their learning progress throughout an extended period of online classes. Through the diagnostic analytical reports, it enables students to identify learning gaps and plan on targeted learning in preparing for their return to school. At the same time, it helps teachers accurately conclude the effectiveness of online classes and make plans for targeted and personalised coaching to help students in bridging learning gaps.

Calling out all 500,000 Chinese Primary School students! Hurry up and register if you haven’t done so yet.

报名开始 Open:20.8.2021 (12am)
截止日期 Close:24.9.2021 (11.59pm)

全国同步 – 25.9 & 26.9 (六和日)

Nationwide Same Day on 25.9- 26.9 (Sat & Sun)

**每个年级仅此一场       Only 1 for each Standard.

**做题时长:2小时 (前15分钟为缓冲期)      Assessment duration: 2 hours (first 15mins of buffer time)

25.9.2021 星期六(Sat)
(低年级组 Lower Primary)
26.9.2021 星期日(Sun)
(高年级组 Higher Primary)
一年级 Std 1 11am - 1pm  四年级 Std 4 11am - 1pm
 二年级 Std 2 2pm - 4pm  五年级 Std 5 2pm - 4pm
 三年级 Std 3 5pm - 7pm  六年级 Std 6 5pm - 7pm


Learning Coins & Certificate Awaits You!

Each participant will receive a digital Certificate of Participation.


National online assessment you shouldn’t miss

  • 针对漫长的网课学习让学生了解个人的学习进度并帮助老师总结网课的教学成效,做出针对性地的个性化辅导和教学。
  • 透过全面详细的学生个人表现数据分析报告以及各科技能诊断快速帮助学生找出薄弱环节,加强学习。
  • 在全国全科考核指标和自身成绩情况的比对下,让学生与同学之间了解自身的程度位置

  • With online learning continues, we help students understand their learning progress, at the same time helping teachers assess online class effectiveness for targeted and personalized coaching implementation.
  • Through the comprehensive diagnostic analytical reports, we quickly help students diagnose learning gaps to make plans for targeted learning.
  • Letting students understand their academic level with peers through the national ranking report.

条件与规则    Terms & Conditions

公开给全国50万位华小生 (一至六年级)参与挑战。

Open to all Chinese Primary School students (from Standard 1 to 6).

报名开放日期 Registration Period:

报名开始 Starts on:20.8.2021 (12am)

截止日期 Ends on:24.9.2021 (11.59pm)

步骤 STEP 1:


Fill out basic information, select your “standard”, confirm details and submit your registration form.

步骤 STEP 2:


Mark the date of your scheduled Online Assessment.

步骤 STEP 3:


Click on link below to reconfirm if registration is successful.

步骤 STEP 4:

方法 1:电脑网页登录
方法 2:手机应用程序登录你可通过Apple App Store 或 Google Play 将应用程序下载至你的移动设备上,再进行登录。

Login earlier to familiarize with the operation of system interface.

Method 1:Web login
Method2:Download Score100 App from Apple App Store or Google Play Store and proceed with login.

25.9.2021 星期六 Sat (低年级组 Lower Primary) 26.9.2021 星期日 Sun (高年级组 Higher Primary)
一年级 Std 1 11am - 1pm  四年级 Std 4 11am - 1pm
 二年级 Std 2 2pm - 4pm  五年级 Std 5 2pm - 4pm
 三年级 Std 3 5pm - 7pm  六年级 Std 6 5pm - 7pm

  1. 各年级的线上挑战将会有100题作答。
    Each standard assessment consists of 100 questions.
  2. 涵盖5大主科即华文、国文、英文、数学以及科学。
    Each assessment covers 5 main subjects namely Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics and Science.

Std 1 Assessment Scope
马来文BM  Tema 1-Tema 5(unit 1-15)
英文BI  Starter unit – unit 2
华文BC  单元 1- 单元 14
数学MM  单元 1- 单元 6
科学SC  第1课 – 第7课
Std 2 Assessment Scope
马来文BM  Tema 1-Tema 5(unit 1-15)
英文BI  unit 5 – unit 7
华文BC  单元 1- 单元 15
数学MM  单元 1- 单元 6
科学SC  第1课 – 第7课
Std 3 Assessment Scope
马来文BM  Tema 1-Tema 5(unit 1-15)
英文BI  unit 1 – unit 5
华文BC  单元 1- 单元 15
数学MM  单元 1- 单元 6
科学SC  第1课 – 第9课
Std 4 Assessment Scope
马来文BM  Tema 1-Tema 5(unit 1-15)
英文BI  unit 1 – unit 6
华文BC  单元 1- 单元 14
数学MM  单元 1- 单元 5
科学SC  第1课 – 第7课
Std 5 Assessment Scope
马来文BM  Tema 1-Tema 5(unit 1-15)
英文BI  starter unit -unit 5
华文BC  单元 1- 单元 15
数学MM  单元 1- 单元 5
科学SC  第1课 – 第7课
Std 6 Assessment Scope
马来文BM  Tema 1-Tema 11(unit 1-33)
英文BI  unit 1 – unit 10
华文BC  单元 1- 单元 22
数学MM  单元 1- 单元 9
科学SC  第1课 – 第9课

  1. 所有问题将以选择题形式作答。
    All questions are in the form of multiple-choice questions.
  2. 每科会有20题考题。
    Each subject consists of 20 questions.
  3. 挑战时间为120分钟。(15分钟 视为登入缓冲期 )(105分钟则是正式作答时间 )
    Each assessment duration is 120 minutes.
    (  15 minutes is regarded as the login buffer period.) (  105 minutes is the answering time. )
  4. 此次挑战范围将是该年级所有单元的总结。
    The learning focus of assessment will centre around the chapter summary of each subject.
  5. 建议学生们在赛前充分熟悉作答模式和界面操作。
    Students are suggested to be fully familiar with the answering interface and operation before the actual assessment. 

步骤 STEP 1:

提前20分钟登入挑战赛等候区。若使用 GOOGLE CHROME 登入,请关闭自动翻译功能。

Login 20 minutes earlier before scheduled assessment time.
If login using Google Chrome, please turn off auto-translate function.

步骤 STEP 2:


Make sure you’ve completed answering all questions and review all your answers before submission.

步骤 STEP 3:


  • 若作答未完成,即按提交按钮,将被系统视为作答完成,并记录该成绩后不得更改。
  • 若平台运作受到干扰,可更换浏览器进行登入。

After submission, the system will auto generate scores with a simple report.

  • If the answer is not completed and you press the submit button, it will be regarded as completed by the system and the results cannot be changed thereafter.
  • If you experience any interference to the system operation, you may change web browser to log in.

 奖励 / 荣誉  挑战者  全科 Top 100  全科Top 10
 电子参与文凭  ✓  ✓  ✓
 全科Top 100电子文凭+实体文凭  -  ✓  -
 全科Top 10电子文凭+实体文凭  -  -  ✓
 奖励 100 学习币  ✓
 奖励 200 学习币  -  ✓  -
 奖励 300学习币  -  -  ✓

备注 Remarks:
  1. 已获取Top 10的挑战者将不会与Top 100重叠。
    Top 10 challengers will not under Top 100.
  2. 文凭名字将会依据户口内的名字自动生成,请填写参与学生的身份证全名 ,勿填小名或父母名字。
    Name printed on the certificate will be according to your account user name registered. Thus, please be sure to register with student’s full name as per IC. Do not register using nick name or parent’s name.
  3. 主办单位保留在不另行通知的情况下调整,更换条规和撤换奖品的绝对权利。
    The Organiser reserves the right to adjust, amend the terms and conditions of online assessment and withdraw and/ or substitute any prizes without the need to provide any prior notice.
  4. 主办单位将会把实体文凭寄至参与者的学校, 让贵校转交给参与者, 请确保选择正确的学校。
    The Organiser will send out original Certificate of Participation(s) to all participating schools and schools will pass to the participants respectively. Participants are reminded to select the correct school.


  • 电子文凭 (*免费)
  • 学生基本表现报告(*免费)
  • 详细的学生数据分析报告 +全国排名的数据报告(*需以100智慧石/ 100学习币购买)

Login to your Score100 account to download the following 3 days after the assessment.

  • Digital Certificate (*free)
  • Student Performance Report (*free)
  • Full Student Performance Analytical Report + National Ranking Report (get report with 100 wisdom stones).
    100 wisdom stones = RM1

步骤 STEP 1:


Login to Score100 official website using your registered email.

步骤 STEP 2:


Click on “Challenge” to download

步骤 STEP 3:


Click on “Completed”

步骤 STEP 4:

选择 [全国华小全科线上测评挑战2021]

Select [全国华小全科线上测评挑战2021]


Tutorial 2: (App ver.) How to Register and Start Assessment